Roll Specials

Harcourt Collection is offering retiring styles in select colorways. Take advantage of the exceptionally low prices on this exclusive group of retiring styles in select colorways. The enclosed specials will eventually be withdrawn and will not be re-ordered in the upcoming season. Our existing inventory is available at extraordinarily low prices. Keep in mind, that as an added benefit, many of your existing showroom samples can be re-purposed and relabeled as “made to order”.
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Room Setting
IN STOCK CARPET, Call to check stock!
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Room Setting
Fiber Content:
70% Nylon, 30% Wool
Hand Loomed
Max Length:
India HC 103
Pattern Repeat:
Approx. 4 1/4" Wide.
Rainbow is a 15' wide, wool and nylon hand loomed product, that is the perfect solution for family minded clients. The pastel striations are an ideal choice for either boys' or girls' bedrooms and the easy to clean carpeting offers practicality as well as a great look for whimsical playrooms and family rooms.
Harcourt Collection has relationships with all major transportation services and finds the most reliable and secure methods of transporting your goods to its destination. If you have a relationship with one courier, please provide us with your account number to secure your shipping rate. We will ship all carpet and rug orders using this specified account unless otherwise instructed or stated. If you would like us to utilize our relationships, we will include shipping charges on your sales order as well as final invoice. Prices varies, so please reach out to customer service for a quote if you’re unfamiliar with our shipping methods.
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